About SpititWorks
These pages are dedicated to bring
you original thought provoking ideas about life
and its purpose, that through contemplation can offer you some
answers to the meaning of your existence.

You can never relive the moment, so treasure it, for it will soon be gone.
It is within the confines of your own mind that your present and future is formed.
Beyond your wildest dreams, lies the door to your potential reality. Create your ultimate reality with strength of focus and desire, that through your imagination, your expectations can be manifested in reality.
- Love the moment for its simplicity, It may give or take nothing from you, But, for a blinking of an eye, It will have changed so many things forever.
- The fleeting moment, that is the essence of a second, Combined with others to form a wisp of time called a minute, Gradually evolving into the hours that make the days, That with the accumulated heart beats become weeks, Giving way gradually to months, that become years, That in conclusion become your dance with time, That finished in the blinking of an eye.
- Your life is written upon the sands of time, a monument to the fact that you indeed did pass this way once, and likewise your time on earth is burnt into your spirit never to be forgotten, with you always, to reflect upon and relive in your eternal thoughts.
Oh dance with me, through this dance called life, and hold me tight so I won't fall. Wipe away each tear, that makes me strong, each moment of laughter to ease all pain. Dance with me slowly, oh concept of time, that with each passing moment I will grow. With each beat of my heart creates the music of life, so dance with me though this window of time called life.

Quality Of Dreams
Dreams of mortal men, are purely the reflection of their desires, brought into reality by the whims of a never resting mind.
Own Free Will
If you surrender your free will, someone is bound to take the reins and lead you to a place that is truly not of your own desire.
Value Of Memories
Your life will be a song in time, music of the moment expressed in the beating of your heart. Savour every second, every thought; for all you will take with you from this life are your memories.
Life's A Story
So this is the story called your life that you wrote across time second by second, how it will end is still a unknown, perhaps it should be called it a mystery – the story that was, is, and will not end.

Success comes when you learn to use what is, and what is not, with equal facility.
Tranquility is a state of the mind, desired by the soul, to calm the spirit, and make the body free from stress.
All things should flow in harmony, One minor discourse can lead to complete and utter chaos. So it is better to bend with the wind, than be broken by the hurricane. Better to see the light, than be blinded by darkness.
All this, a life, is just a fleeting moment in eternity, So why should anyone be burdened with such unnecessary heartache and torment. Should we not just let the moment be for what it is, observe and enjoy it, For in time it will not matter one way or another.

You strengthen the chains that bind you by your acceptance of complacency.
There is a dream that young men have, to have the world at their feet. But the only dream that old men have, is to die in peace and their legacy.
Your every thought will be remembered for evermore, Your dreams will last an eternity, your memories will be treasured forever. Therefore, choose wisely your thoughts, dreams and actions, for they will be with you in eternity, unchanging, constant. This for some can be heaven and for others can be hell.
The consequence of your thoughts can be found in your actions, and the consequence of your actions can be found within your reality.

The consequences of your illusions is your reality.
The consequence of your thoughts can be found in your actions, and the consequence of your actions can be found within your reality.
On a day without light there is only darkness, and on a day without love only despair and longing. Let light into your life and you will rise, like the morning sun to pass on that light to others, and brighten their life.
Your life will spiral and run away if you don't take control. When you finally reflect upon your time on earth, only then will you notice that time passed by so quickly and that you did times’ bidding rather that the other way around.
What is freedom, if you don’t use it.
The chronicles of your life are written upon the sands of time, a monument to the fact that you indeed did pass this way once, and likewise your time on earth is burnt into your spirit never to be forgotten, with you always, to reflect upon and relive in your thoughts.
Mystic Messages
Never compromise your ideals or wishes, if you do you will merely be a puppet to others desires.
Loves Enchantment
How lovely was a smile so bright,
That brought forth love with every sigh.
To hold one whisper of your desire,
Sweet enchantment for a restless heart.
Time's Value
Love the moment for its simplicity,
It may give or take nothing from you,
But, for a blinking of an eye,
It will have changed so many things forever.
Heart Of Desire
Oh sweet the smell of perfumed rose,
Should be carried on the breeze of my desires.
The passion of my raging heart,
Laid bare beneath your gaze.
The torch of burning passions,
Turning shadows into light.
The consequence of my foolish heart,
So easily lost on the battlefields of desire.

Words Of Imaginings
Though you may be bound by many of life’s chains, your mind is forever free, if you give it the chance to be so.
Rhyme & Reason
The Quotes
- You are rushing ever faster through this dance with time. towards your meeting with eternity.
- The heart is not the soul of the universe, nor is the mind the sole source of thought.
- A grain of sand is negligible in the context of the universe, and the universe is negligible in the context of the mind.
- So you conclude, to elude, the cause of your discontent. Those devils their inside you, won't let you face the truth.
- The arrows that others aim at you can be either absorbed or deflected. It is far better to deflect such arrows of hate, loathing or vengeance than have the harm you.
The Quotes
- The only thing you can take with you when you die are your memories.
- Let your Spirit grow, uneffected by any detremental outside influences.
- Tales have been written again and again, nothing changes much, only the conclusions.
- Dreams of mortal men, are purely the reflection of their desires, brought into reality by the whim of a never resting mind.
- Did you come here so we could meet, so that you could ease the loneliness, that pervades my mind?
- The faintest light can be very bright in the darkness.
The Quotes
- Like seeds that fell from trees in Autumn time, that now in spring lie rotting on the ground, are we.
- Never fear any opportunity which is offered to you, but embrace the challenge and grow.
- Capture the essence of the moment, in the fleeting image of thought.
- The circle of your lives unwind, revealing time's unending cycle. If the choices are yours to make, then make the best life you can create.
- So you conclude, to elude, the cause of your discontent. Those devils their inside you, won't let you face the truth.
- Believe what you wish for is already yours, and it will be.
Frequently Asked Questions
What question would you ask if the
answer would bring untold knowledge - for example, what is
Even if the answer is available, could you understand it; could
you even begin to comprehend the concept?
- What
are the consequences and conclusion of life?
The chronicles of your life are written upon the sands of time, a monument to the fact that you indeed did pass this way once, and likewise your time on earth is burnt into your spirit as memories never to be forgotten, with you always, to reflect upon and relive in your thoughts.
- What
are the choices governing the outcomes of reality?
What is real and what is not is sometimes difficult to comprehend, is your life reality or just a fleeting dream. The reality experienced is a creation of your imagining be that good or bad. With these two choices in mind, surely it makes sense to make your reality perfect - it is within your ability driven by your thoughts and therefore within your grasp.
- What
are the factors controlling the enviroment experienced?
Control the intrusions that are continually made in your life, be they personal, mental, physical, verbal, or technical in the form of frequences of noise, sound, visual, vibrational; or environmental in the form of quality of your surroundings. Guard yourself from all unnecessary outside manipulation and effects, so that you can control your environment. How you set yourselves aside from these influences is to simply not let them gain supremacy over you, this is achieved by just not giving them legitimacy, you just basically don't acknowledge they exist - gradually these negative and intrusive forces will shrink from your sphere of influence.
- How
to manage the various factors governing how situations evolve
and turn out?
Almost everyone takes life and their existence for granted, but in the throws of a crisis in your life there is a struggle to hang onto the norm; and if life threatening cases arise fight to hang on in spite of great difficulties. It is of the essence to appreciate life and the experiences you have no matter whether unpleasant, good or bad, before some event occurs to force or make you realize the joy and wonder of life. Aways be aware of all things positive and endeavour to eliminate all negative thoughts and issues from your life.
- Will
desires, dream, and effort be rewarded if pursued with a strong
intent and purpose?
Dream and you shall be rewarded.
The road you travel may seem long, but on reflection it will pass in the blinking of an eye. The key is that there are no regrets or feelings of loss. It is a journey that is well travelled that will bring the most rewards, therefore maximize every moment, every thought, word, action and deed, for before you realize it will soon be gone and only memories will remain - be they good or bad - they will be with you forever. - What
action can be taken when surrounded by undesirable situations?
When all around seems like insanity is having a hey day, simply step back and enjoy the peace and tranquility - don't let outside influences govern and control your mind by manipulating your emotions and thoughts. Shut out the undesirable and unacceptable and don't allow such forces to intrude into your space.
Hope is a weak person’s fantasy
We each build our own Cross upon which to crucify ourselves

Manage Life
Your Right To Choose
Create Reality
Determine Your Future
Power of Creation
Control Your LIfe
Heart's Desires
Acknowledge Your DesiresSpiritWorks
SpiritWorks is dedicated to bring you original thought provoking ideas about life and its purpose, that through contemplation can offer you some answers to the meaning of your existence.
Separate the facts from
any assumptions and opinions.
Savour the moment,
For it will soon be gone.
Wish upon a distant star,
that life will be all it can be.
You must use every moment you have wisely, treasuring each second as the most valuable asset you will ever have. Time has been given to you as a sacred covenant - that if wasted will haunt you throughout eternity in the form of regrets.
Life in essence is a distraction, a game, that is played out according to the rules you laid out before time for you began. Life’s sole purpose is to be involved and understand and enjoy certain experiences. In essence life is just a distraction, or a break from the boredom of eternity.